Tamika L. Stigers founder of Posilive Tees, sits down with The Feed for an interview. Her company produces a line of t-shirts for men and women that is centered on broadcasting positive and encouraging messages. We cover a wide range of topics from how she got started in business to what inspires her. Tamika’s message is all about positivity, her goal is to motivate, inspire, and encourage people to be better and live more abundant, positive lives.
The Feed: What inspired you to create your own clothing line?
I wanted to wear a cute t-shirt to a casual event. I went to several stores in a mall and couldn’t find one that was cute and positive so I decided I was just going to make my own. I went to Walmart and bought a $4 black shirt and went to Michael’s and bought some pink puff paint and wrote the word “Beauty” with the bible scripture Psalms 139:14. In that moment, I wanted to remind myself that I was beautiful. Then I started thinking, maybe other women want to remind themselves too and that’s how I got the idea to start the line.
The Feed: I know lots of people who walk into a mall and not find what they are looking for, but it’s amazing that you used that as a motivating factor to start your own business. Did you always have that entrepreneurial spirit?
I wouldn’t say I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit, more of a creative spirit. I’ve always liked making things look cuter. When I was little, I was the kid that didn’t like to look at a regular notebook so I would draw all over it in different colors and put tons of stickers! (Laughing) I never liked things looking ordinary and I didn’t like my stuff looking like everyone else. I never imagined that Posilive would take off like it has. I was really genuinely trying to inspire myself and the people I knew by being creative with t-shirts!
The Feed: How did you get started, and how long did it take from idea to manifestation?
I started by researching different blank shirt brands. I would wash them and wear them all the time to make sure they were good quality. It was really important to me to sell a top quality product. After that, I researched printing companies and went to meet with them to see samples of their work. I also had to learn how to use Photoshop to design the shirts and I had to find models to photograph in the shirts as well. From my idea to the actual release of the first shirt was about 6 months.
The Feed: How do you go about designing a new shirt?
I had to learn to use Photoshop and it wasn’t easy! It took many calls, visits, and emails with the printing shop to get the right colors, dimensions, and text. I won’t lie, there were plenty of nights of crying and frustrated feelings where I wanted to give up, but I pushed through. I’m glad I didn’t give up! Now, I work with a graphic designer so it takes a lot of the stress off of me.
The Feed: I noticed you have your own YouTube Channel, what made you decide to get into You Tube publishing?
I was using Facebook as a platform to promote the t-shirt line and I would always post positive status updates to encourage people. My friend list kept growing and growing and the more it grew, the more people were inspired by what I was posting. I wanted to use the video platform as another way to encourage people and it actually was cathartic for me because I was encouraging everyone, but I was also encouraging myself! I’ve done everything from face my fear of horses to sharing an embarrassing story about how my wig came off during karaoke on a cruise! I wanted to show people that no matter what, there’s positivity in our most negative moments.
The Feed: What has been the most frustrating thing of having you own business?
I would say the most frustrating thing is not having things happen when I want them to. I’ll have a vision in my head and a deadline of when I want a shirt released and for a myriad of reasons, things aren’t coming together. That can be very discouraging sometimes and it can really lead to a lack of momentum.
The Feed: What do you enjoy the most from running Posilive Tees?
Encouraging and inspiring people! My heart is full when someone says, you know, the message of that shirt helped me keep going or your status update turned my whole day around, or that video blog really made me own up to what I need to fix in my life! I know my purpose here is to inspire people and I feel happy and blessed that the t-shirt line has served as a platform for me to do that.
The Feed: What is the most valuable lesson you have learned so far running Posilive Tees?
I’ve learned to be accountable for the energy I give to the world. Having a positive t-shirt line has forced me to walk the walk. Don’t get me wrong. I’m nowhere near perfect and there are PLENTY of times when I miss the mark, but I’m always conscious of making sure that my life lines up with the message I’m sending.
The Feed: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Eating! (Laughing) In addition to that, I love working out, cooking, and having fun with my family and close friends. I also love to travel to different parts of the world!
The Feed: Where do you see yourself and your business in 10 years?
I see us expanding to products for babies, kids, pets, workout attire, sleeping attire, and home decor!

The Feed: What advice would you give to others who want to start their own business?
Do your research about the steps it will take to run the business before starting. Surround yourself with people who will be in your corner and push you to keep going. Be OK with making mistakes because that’s the only way you will learn. Pace yourself so you don’t get burned out. Understand that success takes time, Don’t rush yourself. Don’t compare your business to others, march to the beat of your own drum. Have fun with it!
The Feed: Who would be someone in your life that you looked up to?
Definitely my parents. They taught me the order of life: God, family & friends, and everything else. They’ve shown me through example that we don’t have to be a victim of our pasts and our mistakes, but we can rise above it to do better and be better. They’ve shown me that love is powerful. They gave me the confidence to believe that nothing is impossible.
The Feed: Finally we try to ask our guest some questions to get a more three dimensional picture of who they are. One word answers if you can. What’s your favorite movie?
Love Jones
The Feed: Favorite musical artist?
The Feed: What piece of technology do you value the most?
My Smartphone
The Feed: Favorite show on TV at the moment?
The Feed: Love or money?
The Feed: Thanks for your time

” I’m always conscious of making sure that my life lines up with the message I’m sending.”
Tamkia Stigers