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Beauty Recipes
Face & Skin
Bath, Body & More
Ginger Bath Salts[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]
My Journey To Natural Beauty
The first casualty in my quest to natural living and natural beauty products was my regularly scheduled chemical relaxer. I did not do the big chop that most women do when they make this momentous decision. I decided to grow out my relaxer. This left me with kinky-curly roots and straight ends. I needed a solution to facilitate a smooth transition to naturally curly tresses. My quest led me to the oil of the coconut. Growing up in Trinidad, coconuts were an integral part of my life. The trees swaying in the wind is an indelible picture of my childhood. When I found out that the principal fatty acid found in coconut oil has the ability to penetrate inside the hair shaft, I was
intrigued. I also discovered that the oil, when applied with heat via a flat-iron, can actually coat the hair naturally and give you a smooth, straight finish. This was my solution! I created my own signature concoction and made my transition to natural hair seamlessly.
Our Beauty Recipe Book Free for The Feed users
In the free online edition of our book, I will show you how to make your own hair concoctions to successfully transition to and maintain natural hair. You will also learn how to make your own Body Butters, Facial Creams, Bath Gels and much more. I urge you to try making your own natural solutions so that you will have the assurance that you are only using the best and finest natural ingredients.