New York photographer Anthony Mitchell sits down with The Feed for a short interview about photography, technology and inspiration
THEFEED: How did you get into photography?
If I had to say how I got into photography, I’d say it started as a genuine love for taking pictures. I used to take random pictures, and people would tell me that I had a good eye for photography, but I never gave it any thought. I loved people watching, not to be nosey, but I loved seeing people in their natural environment. It wasn’t until recently that I decided to follow my heart and take my love for photography to the next level.

THEFEED: What is your favorite thing about photography?
Being able to capture everyday moments and turn them into art. A true reflection of the object’s beauty, I love the fact that photography is endless, it has no boundaries, it evokes certain emotions. The true beauty, is that from person to person one shot can tell a different story, taking on a new meaning for each individual.
THEFEED: What has been your favorite shoot so far?
That’s a tough one, because they are all so different. They all have certain aspects that I love, but to say I have a favorite is difficult. I can say that the most fun shoot was that of a 30th birthday party. The energy was great, the people were warm and I felt like I was a part of the event, not just the event photographer.
THEFEED: What type of equipment do you use?
I shoot on a D5200 and D7000, but at this place in my journey, I feel somewhat restricted in my creativity. So, soon I hope to make a move, but never outside of Nikon.
THEFEED: What do you think makes a good photographer?
Many things. If I had to pick a few, I would say: a love for photography, passion, an eye to capture the moment and the foresight in knowing that something good is about to happen. For example. if you’re shooting a wedding, you would have to be able to predict the next moment needed to be captured and the willingness to go the extra mile to capture it.
THEFEED: What do you think about mobile photography? Do you see mobile photography ever replacing the need to buy a professional camera?
I love mobile photography. I think it’s a great way to introduce less experienced people into photography. I, myself, started shooting on a Nokia 1020 windows phone, so I believe that mobile photography has its place. Will it ever replace the need for a DSLR? Absolutely not. Although mobile photography has advanced, I don’t think it will take the place of a professional photographer.
THEFEED: What are your thoughts of Photoshop? Do you think tools like Photoshop would be considered cheating? Does it make you less of a true photographer if you utilize tool like this?
Photoshop is a great creative tool. No, I don’t think that tools like Photoshop would be considered cheating, when it comes to editing photos. For me, it depends on how it’s used. For example, if a caption under a picture reads “perfect timing” and in the picture you have a model and the perfect sunset behind them. If after examining the photo, you figure out that she was never in the original picture, but Photoshopped in later, that would be considered cheating. However, if the model was in the picture as it was taken and you use Photoshop to adjust the lighting and clear it up a bit, I see that as perfectly fine. There are times when Photoshop is necessary and I think every photographer should have knowledge of it.
THEFEED: Tell us something that our readers may may not know about you. Whats your favorite Movie and or TV Show.
Saving Private Ryan and Lost
THEFEED: Favorite Music artist
I cant pick one, I love all music from Jay Z to Florence + The Machine
THEFEED: If your house was burning down and you had to grab one piece of technology, what would that be?
Everything with a Microsoft logo on it.
THEFEED: Love or Money
THEFEED: Thanks for your time
My pleasure.