Unless you have been living under a rock, you know who Bruce Jenner is, or should I say was? Former Olympian, ex-husband of Kris Jenner, who, of course is mom to those Kardashian girls who are all over the TV, magazines, and internet. No matter how you feel about them, you can’t deny how successful they have become. I have always been an admirer of Bruce Jenner. He was always that solid voice of reason in the Kardashian camp, trying to teach his children values and an obvious American hero (what with his gold medals and all). When the rumors started circling about him transitioning to a woman, I laughed them off. I, along with the rest of the country, watched as news leaked that it was indeed true.

Immediately, the world seemingly rallied around Bruce Jenner. Celebrities, politicians, his family and friends all showing love and support for his decision to ‘transition’. I wasn’t surprised by the support. What did surprise me was the sudden use of the words ‘courage’ and ‘courageous’ when discussing his decision. The definition of courage is “strength when dealing with pain, grief or danger.” I saw only support and love for Bruce Jenner, requiring him only to sit back and receive it. The few that did speak up negatively against Bruce Jenner were immediately attacked and silenced by the media. In a world where we throw around the words “love” and “courage”, where we walk past our veterans begging on the streets without even a second look, where we worship reality TV stars who have no real talent, it saddens me that we shout courage from the rooftops for this person, when there are others who deserve it far more. I was encouraged to watch Devon Still accept an award for his daughter Leah, who is battling cancer bravely, at the ESPY’S last week.

Devon Still-and daughter Leah
The touching bond between father and daughter has inspired many and made us hug the loved ones in our lives just a little tighter. That this little girl is going through hell, is more than obvious, but the smile and love that she shares with the world gives us hope. Not only hope for her recovery, but hope for a world that needs to focus more on things that matter, like love, family and true courage.