I’m a candle queen. My room is entirely drenched in all things that create good vibes and promote ultimate relaxation. As a DIY woman, the idea of making my own candles was a project I had always played around with but never quite pulled the trigger on. It seemed like a big undertaking which required research and a lot of supplies I didn’t have just lying around. For more reasons than one, I was a bit nervous – the main being that despite candles definitive status as “inedible”, I normally make it a point to stay away from the kitchen. This project included checking stove temperatures and making sure not to set anything on fire. But as it turns out, recycling old candles to make new ones was SO much simpler than I thought and so much fun! As goes for most things in life, you never know until you try. So here we go – DIY Candles!
What you’ll need:
Wax Melting pot (bought on amazon)
Wicks (amazon)
Old or new candles, scented or unscented
Dried Rose Petals
Essential Oils (depending if your candles are already scented or not)
Clear jars for the candles (you can use mason jars, old candle jars, etc. I bought little circular jars at the craft store for under $1!)

Step 1: Break up your old wax! I used old unscented tapers that I had laying around the house. You can purchase these for super cheap at any dollar store as well. I cut off an end with a knife and literally broke them into smaller pieces using my hands – removing the existing wick. I used four tapers in total to make the two small candles pictured. You can also use old candles that haven’t finished burning. Just scrape them from the existing jar they’re in and chop them up!
Step 2: Turn the stove to the lowest temperature and allow your pot to heat up a bit before you throw in the chopped up candle wax. Once it’s in the pot, mix every once in a while until the wax is completely melted. This took about 30 minutes for me!

Step 3: While you’re waiting for the wax to melt – begin preparing your candles! Take a wick and place it in the center of the jar. Using a straw, wrap the wick around it to keep it in place.
Step 4: Add rose petals! You can honestly use whatever you’d like (make sure to research first), but I chose to go with dried rose petals since I always have them in my house. I filled my jars up about half way, making sure there is a little room in the center and the petals are pushed as close to the glass jar as possible.

Step 5: When your wax is all ready, simple pour it into the candle jar! I then used a small butter knife from my kitchen to just adjust the roses and the wick to my liking. I also added a few drops of lavender essential oils to give these babies a nice, calming scent.

Step 6: Now you wait! I waited about an hour and a half to be safe, but when the jar feels cool to the touch, you can remove the straw, trim your wick, and you’re done!

I never thought recycled candles would be so insanely easy to make. And just like most other things you can make on your own, candles are commonly much more expensive in stores. With just a little bit of effort you can save some money, make something with your hands and the best part… they are perfectly customized to your liking. Your scents, your aesthetic, the things that bring you the most repose! Bring your version of good vibes into your home with DIY candles.