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4 Apps You Wish You Thought of First

Have you ever used an app on your phone or tablet and thought to yourself – why didn’t I think of that! Here is my list of 4 apps that I wish I thought of first.


Unlock your paycheck anytime you want. Imagine it’s the 12th of the month and your student loan bill is coming up tomorrow but your account is looking like the inside of your couch. 43 cents. If Sallie Mae gets their way you’ll be up the creek in overdraft fees. Not if you have this app. Activehours will give you an amount from your check then when payday comes they subtract the sum and get your paycheck any time you want! Simply sign up for free, snap a pic of your time sheet send it in to ActiveHours who will then approve the hours and send you a direct deposit via your checking account.


On Second Thought 


Mistakes happen, and On Second Thought is here to help you fix them. Remember that night you couldn’t sleep at 2am and  thought “mm maybe I can win him back by pouring out my heart in a 9 stanza text message.” FYI: 9 stanza texts rarely get read and are probably ALWAYS always a bad idea. Now there’s an app that will help you get back that stupid note before the recipient has a chance to post it online for all the world to see.

Available on Google Play Moments

Finally an easy way to get all the photos of yourself trapped on your friends’ phones. Typically after a night out with my girlfriends I will receive a slew of texts saying “don’t forget to send me the pics you took!” “Send me that cute pic of you and me” Thanks to Moments you can get the pictures your friends forgot to give you. Sync moments with friends to check out all the pictures from your unforgettable night.



Invest your spare change into stocks. Growing up we all had that one old uncle who told us to invest in stocks. That same uncle probably told me to save our spare change. Now we can do both! This app invests your spare change from everyday debit or credit card transactions into stocks and accounts of your choose.



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